- 授課教師:共同教育中心通識教育組戴可馨博士 (Dr. Malabika Das)
- 內容:
- 本門課為跨領域通識課程,兼跨通識 A4 哲學與道德思考、A8 生命科學等 2 領域。如您對跨領域通識課程有興趣,或希望挑戰英語授課通識課程,不容錯過本門課!
- 修習方式:請於本門課第1週上課 (09/17) 的前 20-30 分鐘,到教室排隊領取授權碼並自行上網加選。
- 授課教師的話:
- Come find out why students have found Joyful Living to be so valuable! You can learn to reduce your stress and build resilience. Learn how to work with life’s challenges and gain body mind spirit balance. You can rewrite your stories to be filled with strength and self compassion. Learn valuable yoga, mindfulness and meditation techniques. We are waiting for you, hope to see you there!