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Center for General Education


Faculty Position on “Ecology and Biodiversity,” Master’s Program in Biodiversity, National Taiwan University

  1. The Master's Program in Biodiversity (MPB) at National Taiwan University invites applicants for one tenure track faculty position (Assistant Professor or above), specialized in biodiversity, evolutionary biology, ecology and/or human dimension in ecology, starting from February 1st, 2022. A doctoral degree and capability of teaching in English are required. Applicants with postdoctoral experiences are preferred.
  2. MPB is an English-taught interdisciplinary program which is newly approved by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan in 2020. This program concentrates on Biodiversity Science, as well as Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainability. It aims to cultivate global talents with competences in biodiversity management.
  3. Documents required for application include:
    1. Curriculum Vitae including nationality, date of birth, education background, summary of research field, current position working experience, publication list and corresponding papers from the past seven years (published after February 1st, 2015)
    2. A cover letter indicating a commensurate position (Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor) to be applied and designated representative paper (3 at most). The representative papers should be indexed in prominent international journals and published within the past five years (after February 1st, 2017). Please also include statements of past teaching and research experiences.
    3. Research plans
    4. Teaching plans (Please provide at least 3 course syllabus)
    5. Certificate of a doctoral degree
    6. Transcripts from undergraduate and graduate courses (for those applying to the Assistant Professor position only)
    7. Three letters of recommendation (sent by the referees directly through email to: )
  4. Please send all the required documents in PDF format to the following email address: (Subject: NTU Faculty_MPB_Applicant name). The deadline for receiving all documents is June 30th, 2021 (GMT+8).
  5. Contact
    1. Ms. Shan-Shan Ou (Email: , Tel: +886-2-3366-5712 ext. 16)
    2. Master's Program in Biodiversity, National Taiwan University (No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei 10617, Taiwan (R.O.C.))