


國立臺灣大學 Global ATGS 誠徵「植物基因體或表型體」專任教師乙名

  1. The Master Program in Global Agriculture Technology and Genomic Science at National Taiwan University invites application for one full-time faculty position (Assistant Professor or above) in “Plant Genomics or Phenomics”, starting from February 1, 2021. Applicants with plant science research experience in plant genomic and phenotyping are preferable. A doctoral degree and capability of teaching in English are required. Applicants who can teach courses in the either of the following areas are preferred:
    • Plant Genomics
    • Plant Phenotyping
    • Bioinformatics
  2. Documents required for application include:
    • Curriculum Vitae including nationality, date of birth, education background, summary of research field, and working experience
    • A cover letter indicating a position level (Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor) to be applied and a designated representative paper. The representative paper should be indexed in the SCI and published within the past five years (after February 1, 2016). For applicants applying as an Assistant Professor and who received their doctoral degree within the past three years (after February 1, 2018), their dissertation can be considered to be a representative paper
    • Research and teaching plans (within 10 pages for each)
    • Certificate of doctoral degree
    • Transcripts from undergraduate and graduate courses (for those applying to the Assistant Professor position only)
    • Three letters of recommendation (sent by the referees directly through email: ntuicpo@ntu.edu.tw )
    • Publication list and corresponding papers from the past seven years (published after February 1, 2014)
    • Items 1 to 5 should be combined into one PDF (File name: Basicinfo _ Your name). Publications (Item 7) should be combined into one PDF (File name: Publications _ Your name)
  3. Please send all the required documents (as PDFs) to the following email address: ntuicpo@ntu.edu.tw (Subject: NTU Faculty position_Global ATGS_Applicant name). The deadline for receiving all documents is May 20, 2020 (GMT+8).
  4. Contact:
    • Ms. Shan-Shan Ou  (Email: ntuicpo@ntu.edu.tw , Tel: 886-2-3366-5712 ext. 16) of Master Program in Global Agriculture Technology and Genomic Science, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan


  1. 國立臺灣大學「全球農業科技與基因體科學碩士學位學程」誠徵「植物基因體或表型體」領域之助理教授 (含) 以上專任教師壹名,預定起聘日期為 2021 年 2 月 1 日。具備植物學相關研究經驗,可從事植物基因體或植物表型體等研究者。應聘者需具博士學位,且具英語授課能力。能開授以下領域課程者為優先考量:
    • 植物基因體學 (Plant Genomics)
    • 植物表型體學 (Plant Phenotyping)
    • 生物資訊學 (Bioinformatics)
  2. 申請所需檢具資料 (所有資料請以英文撰寫):
    • 履歷 (含國籍、出生年月日、大學 (含) 以上畢業學校、畢業年份、專長領域【請以 250 字以內簡述】、現職、經歷…等)。
    • 求職信需說明擬申請職級及指定代表著作 (一篇)。代表著作須為五年內 (2016 年 2 月 1 日後) 已發表於 SCI 期刊之著作;應徵助理教授者得以三年內 (2018 年 2 月 1 日後) 之博士論文為代表著作。
    • 未來研究構想及開授課程計畫各一份(請以 10 頁以內為原則)。
    • 博士學位證書。
    • 大學及研究所歷年成績單 (應徵助理教授者需檢附)。
    • 推薦函三封【請推薦人以 PDF 電子檔逕寄至 ntuicpo@ntu.edu.tw
    • 著作目錄及七年內 (2014 年 2 月 1 日後) 發表之著作。
    • 以上 1-5 項資料合併為一個 PDF 檔 (檔名:基本資料_姓名),第7項著作資料合併為一個 PDF 檔 (檔名:著作資料_姓名)。
  3. 有意申請者請於 2020 年 5 月 20 日前 (GMT+8) 請將申請資料以 PDF 電子檔寄達:ntuicpo@ntu.edu.tw (Email 主旨請註明:應徵國立臺灣大學 Global ATGS_姓名),逾期恕不受理。
  4. 聯絡人:
    • 歐姍姍小姐 (國立臺灣大學 全球農業科技與基因體科學碩士學位學程;電子郵件:ntuicpo@ntu.edu.tw;聯絡電話:886-2-3366-5712 轉 16)